Bloomington Sacred Harp

Shape note singing in and around Bloomington, Indiana since ~ 1978

About Us

Hi!  We are a group of Sacred Harp singers in Bloomington, IN. Sacred Harp, or shape note singing, is a tradition that dates back to our country’s founding. We gather regularly to sing with and for each other, with no accompanying instruments. What does it sound like? Like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Tunes range in style from rousing and jubilent, to contemplative, to mournful. Ours is a tradition that emphasizes participation and we welcome you to come join us and, yes, we’ll loan you a book!

Information about Sacred Harp, and shape note music in general is abundant on the web. Wikipedia, of course, has a good introduction. maintains a trove of historical information and a comprehensive list of annual all-day singing events. If you haven’t already seen it, there’s a terrific documentary called, “Awake My Soul.”

The best way to learn more about Sacred Harp singing is to experience it in person…All-day or multi-day singing conventions, with traditional potluck “dinner on the grounds” at noon, are the core of the Sacred Harp tradition…Some conventions have been meeting in the same or nearby location for 150 years or more.  –

Our local group here in Bloomington, Indiana now hosts two “All Day Singing” events. Learn more here. If you’d like to get connected with some of us, join our Facebook group, Bloomington Shape Notes, and feel free to ask any questions.  We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday (and 5th Tuesday if there is one) of each month from 7pm-9pm at the blue house on the corner of 6th and Jackson – address is 520 W 6th St, Bloomington, Indiana. Look for the orange sign at the gate and enter in the back door off Jackson Street.

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