Bloomington Sacred Harp

Shape note singing in and around Bloomington, Indiana since ~ 1978

Archive for the month “April, 2024”



5th Tuesday on a 1st Friday potluck

Friday Jan 3, 6:30pm Potluck 7-9pm singing (bring your Cooper book)

Barb’s house 520 W 6th St

Wed Jan 1 – Cincinnati New Year’s Day all day singing – 10am-3pm St John’s UU Church 320 Resor Ave Cincinnati

Denson (red book) and Shenandoah Harmony

Regular 2nd and 4th Tuesday singings 7-9 pm from the red book and Shenandoah Harmony (loaners are available). We will be meeting at Barb’s house – blue house at 520 W 6th St. Come in the back door off Jackson St. Coffee and tea and snacks always provided!

Indianapolis singings

Join the Indianapolis singers Saturday June 29 1-3pm at the Harrison House
1230 N Delaware St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

3rd Tuesdays 7-9pm at North Meadow Circle of Friends
1710 N Talbott St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

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